Developers & Installers

Switch to the future of solar sales and operations

Find out how we can help

Stop designing, Start selling
Forget hours of design work and paperwork, generate instant project proposals and accurate designs in seconds, powered by AI and the  highest-quality localised geospatial data available.
  • Instant business cases

    View project feasibility, financials and ROI, and property-specific data
  • Energy optimisation

    Create an energy profile with just a few clicks and view the optimal system size based on half-hourly consumption and tariff data
  • Environmental uplift

    Quick insights on EPC improvement, emissions reductions, and energy savings
Flexible, collaborative, solar proposals
Strengthen your brand with beautiful, white-labelled proposals, digital collaboration and dynamic updates delivered in your own customer portal.
  • Custom models

    Upload your sizing, pricing, and forecasting models to directly integrate quotes
  • Engaging proposals

    Customers have their own portal to review all proposals you’ve shared, test different system sizes, and input their energy data
  • Data all in one place 

    Keep customers, projects, and financial models in one place 
Demystify Solar Financing
Maximise project conversion with simple, dynamic quotes generated in seconds. Integrate your funding partners to the platform - or select from Metris’ own vetted network.
  • Instant prices

    No more Excel macros; one click pricing for PPAs or asset finance
  • Customer education

    A portal for customers to review savings under a variety of deal lengths, tariffs, and consumption 
  • Integrated financing partners 

    Import offers from your own financing partners, or use Metris’ partner network
Put operations on autopilot
Automate monitoring and reporting. Metris connects to meters & inverters on-site to deliver a real-time view of project performance, aggregate fault alerts, and generate beautiful reports in one-click.
  • Real-time portfolio visibility

    Connect project assets to get a real-time view of performance across the whole portfolio
  • Fault & system health

    Receive fault alerts in one place and track KPIs such as uptime and actual versus forecast generation
  • Sustainability made easy

    Customers can track emissions, compare energy efficiency and export custom reports

Schedule a demo to find out more

Schedule a demo

Our team are Metris will be able to demo the platform, or discuss how we could help you on your solar journey.

Book a 15 minute demo below.